dinsdag 15 april 2014

Background Gruznib of The Blue Fang tribe

Gruznib had finaly eaten the old man and now was the leader of the goblin tribe of the Blue Fang. He had heard of some goblins that had made a small fortune with trading. And since his tribe needed some more funds Gruznib thought that sounded promising. Reality thought differently and bitch slapped him in the face. As a warrior tribe, no fighting during negotiation and other silly rules so the customers would come back stuff like that made for some problems… For some reason people did not come to trade anymore and he even heard he was wanted by some ‘umie town for theft, murder  and highway robbery. He had just tried to convince them to change the price and then they did not defend themselves, not his fault the humans ended up dead. All the orcs he had dealt with where ok with his “trading” methods, but humans had all the good stuff.
One night after a very good negotiation session (all the humies ended up dead so the goblins could get their stuff for free Gork spoke to Gruznib and told him: “’ Ere be nothing good for trading left, it be time to trade stuff that is not stuff itself.” Gruznib always the religious fellow (or at least smart enough to know one should not oppose the gods) decided to follow the advice of Gork. But Gruznib was not entirely sure what Gork had tried to say with his advice. Why could the gods not just talk normal instead of in all those riddles and mysticism. Still it was clear that he should not trade here anymore and he had made a tidy profit (and a whole bunch of enemys), so gruznib decided it was time to find a new occupation. Also his tribe got a little hot headed without a good scrap for to long, so a good fight would also keep morale up.
His tribe was not that large, but if he could find the right fight he could always find more guys. And since it had been a while since he had fresh fish Gruznib decided to go find some. On the plains there was barely any fish, even in the ponds there fish was scarce and few that where there are poisonous. Gruznib like meat as much as any other goblin a fish once in a while was nice. So he convinced the local night goblin tribe, that there was a new cave system being built in one of the coastal villages, and together they went raiding. The cave was a lie of course so he made sure the night goblin boss died by an arrow (only 1gold and one of his own men shot him in the back at point blank range). The village was ransacked and the ‘umies enslaved. But Gruznib always listened to his prisoners, especially when they explained why there was so little fish and gold in their homes. And he heard that a lot of pirates where about. That sounded like the perfect job, hunting pirates, he could get all the fish and gold that the pirates had stolen.
He soon learned a very important lesson; if you beat the right guy you get twice the loot. Whomever hired you to beat him up and of course you can still steal his stuff when his men are fed to the sea. And thus Gruznib became a pirate hunter. Well maybe less of a hunter then a pirate, since Gruznib worked for anyone who was willing to pay to have a ship disappear. A lot of pirates went down and quite some ships who where more or less honest trading vessels but who someone had been willing to pay for to give them “pirate treatment”. After a year of seafaring Gork spoke to him again: “The Fishin’ was good but Goblins should not be fish or they might get eaten.” Again not really sure what Gork was trying to explain Gruznib decided to take the word of Gork literally and forbade his men to turn into fish.  
Not even one week later the world went haywire, Gruznib and his 2 ships where just minding their own business (in pursuit of a pirate) when the Gods themselves interfered and put an island straight in front of Gruznib. Not wishing to anger Gork (and not having enough time to get out of the way) Gruznib crashed into the Island rising from the depths. Realizing that Gork mend that he should give up seafaring (and his ships being smashed on the shores) Gruznib decided to become a land pirate hunter. Still missing the feel of the wind on his face Gruznib has built several chariots, when he goes real fast it feels just like being on the prow of his ship. More and more people came onto the island and soon Gruznib came into conflict with some of them. But hopefully others will soon hire him to defeat some of the “land pirates”.

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