dinsdag 15 april 2014

The fate of the Lantiens

Hieronder de fluff voor mijn leger van de campaign. Dit is allemaal voor het verhaal van de campaign en eindigd aan het begin vanhet campaign verhaal

The Lantiens where an ancient race, that had a strong connection to the winds of magic. This race produced where well known for their number of mages. The lived on an island south of Ulthuan. They worshipped the god Manann, the god of the sea. They performed all kinds of experiments, to give them the ability to breath under and above water.
During one of these experiments, a magical storm suddenly appeared on the island. This boosted the spell, so that it covered the entire island. Now every living thing on the island could only breath under water and was suffocating. The test subject Scall, who was already in a tube of water quickly went underwater and prayed to Manann to sink the island. Manann answered Scall’s prayers and thus the island sunk to the bottom of the ocean. There it still lays, Scall was declared a hero of the people and a statue was built in his honour.
Over the years the people slowly adapted further to their lives under water, but in mind as in body. Their bodies transformed in such a way that they could move faster underwater, but because the winds of magic don’t reach that far under water they also lost most of the connection to the winds of magic.
Over the years the tried to recreate their ability to breath above water. This only managed to give one person the ability to breath above water, but only when they keep channelling magic into it. During their last try they suddenly gained a massive boost and the where able to give a small scouting party the ability to breath above water. It’s unclear where the boost came from.
This called for some investigation and thus the scout party was send to a nearby island to see if the can find anything there.
This scouting party is led by a young captain, named Morku. Lost its father to an anchor that landed on top of him, during his sleep. Since that night Morku wanted revenge, all he knows of its fathers killer are some strange markings that were found on the anchor. He knows the killer is somewhere above the water and as such he needed the ability to breath above the water. He therefore volunteered to join the experiment.

His unit followed the captain and joined as well. With the recent success and the mission to go above the water, Morku felt it was mend to be. He would find the killer and restore his father’s honour and at the same time he would led his people back to the surface, so they can reclaim the rightful place in the world.

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