dinsdag 15 april 2014

Gruznib and his first enounters on the island.

I be findin’ them scaly lizards today. They no be wanting to talk, we be walking to them and then the gods be saying no to us and start smashing my chariot. So me not wanting to anger the gods send my men forward to do the talking, while I wait for the scorch marks (from all the lightning) to heal and them little lizards start shooting at us. So we be punching one in the face saying he be nice to us and then they all run away. Only one group was willing to talk but for some reason they talk with their teeth or something. Not completely sure what happened since I be lying in the grass waiting for the world to stop spinning. But I be sure next time will be better.

Some guy on a horse came to me today, so I ride up to him to talk to him then some stupid knight jump in the way and get ridden over by me cart of seafarin’. So I be shouting at their leader for compensatin’ the scratches on me ride and he be shouting back, we doin’ some hagglin’ and I be gettin’ the upper hand. Then the bugger be startin’ to walk of like he no want to hire us. I be doin’ some more drivin’ and hittin’ him on the head. But he no be payin'us, he just goes lyin'down on the gras, them bastard. Then I go to himsy friends and be askin’ them to pay for it and they be shootin’ me ride into pieces so me naturally bein’ fair do the same to their heads.

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