donderdag 1 mei 2014

The Scout force of the great and glorious Temple City: T’in’q A’qen.

The Scout force of the great and glorious Temple City: T’in’q A’qen.

In the Northern parts of the Lustrian Jungles lies the forgotten temple city of T’in’q A’qen, at first sight this might look like a ruined and desolate place… this is only partly so ;)

A long time ago the temple city was glorious and mighty indeed, it was however destroyed by dark and evil schemes of the Dark Elves and the evil chaos creatures that they unleashed with chaotic and twisted magic… the city was razed to the ground, its denizens slain and the surviving Slann butchered in their Star Chambers… nothing but silence and ruins remained…

This all changed less then 50 years ago, in one of the spawning pools deep beneath the ruins of the Temple something stirred.. and so the mysterious and ancient waters gave life to two creatures… dark skinned Skinks, with scales as bright as orange fire crystals, their eyes already twinkling with intelligence and observing their surroundings. These two Skinks were named Tiq’e Taq and Tiq’e Toc , and they would quickly grow to become capable and smart Priests.

Soon after the twins adjusted and made their home in the ruins they learned their true calling, and the path that was layed out for them. Of course this was not the restoration of the Saurus spawning pools, neither was it getting another Slann to the chamber of Stars… It was a sign from the old ones! Everyone could have told you that the time of the Slann and Saurus was over... the glory of the Temple would be restored, but this time it was to be with Skink intelligence…and some Croxigors muscle of course ;)

So it came to pass that the skink population of T’in’q A’qen flourished and boomed, it was not long before many tasks normally done by Saurus were done by Skinks. They even formed cold-one cavalry and something resembling a temple guard. The two Skinks Priest twins also made inquiry’s to other temple cities…and that is where the trouble started…

Without at least one Slann the other Temples refused to even acknowledge them as a Temple, how rude! The twins, furious at this insult, turned to drastic measures… If a Slann was needed to gain a foothold and the much needed trade and aid from the other temples, then a Slann was what they would get!

Down long abandoned and neglected tunnels they went, to the place where the massacre of the Slann had taken place…and it was here where they called upon ancient, forbidden and mighty magics that had been locked away for centuries…for a good reason… And so they brought back one of the Slann, or at least they tried ;) … what they had done however was something akin to creating an undead… the brought back the angry vengeful spirit of one of the slain Slann and tied him to a shriveled husk… it was good enough for the twins..

They mummified the corpse slann and put him on a palanquin, their Slann was ready. Nobody knows for sure if the “Slann” is really what the twin Priests claim he is but relic Slann were known to exist, so their claim was finally granted! They were an official Temple city now, and the “Slann” was paraded up and down the complex of the Temple… much to the rejoice of the Thousands of Skinks who cheered and did…well Skink-happy-things.. 

Not is all happy and joy however and gold and prestige is needed to gain influence and make new statues and shiny things for the chambers of the Twins…uchhhem…we mean the Great and Glorious chamber of Stars of the Slann of course ;) So the twins drew straws and let fate decide who would lead a Scout (read: plunder) force to unknown shores and relieve lesser creatures of things they would not need J  Tiq’e Tac lost and so he left, a growing entourage of skinks and reptilian creatures in his wake. Of course his twin (who was all too happy that he did not have to go) organized a parade in his name and even the Slann was all dressed up pretty and “gave his blessings”…

Tiq’e Tac is now on his way to seek out glory (and lots of gold) to bring back to the Temple City of  T’in’q A’qen. …owww…..and to please the Slann of course…of course... ;)

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