vrijdag 2 mei 2014

So far...in the Swamps....

Tiq' e Tac was sitting on a piece of driftwood that was slowly sinking away into the swamp... what he saw before him really made him feel like home. Already insects and small lizards were descending upon the corpses of the men he and his Brave Skink warriors had slain, creating big black swarms of buzzingness that was sure to be heard for across the whole swamp...

The expedition so far was going better then he had expected...true enough he had send out some scout groups who had not returned yet...and some had somehow managed to get everyone else lost! He did hear some great stories though...about heroic skinks who had battled dragons and giants and even godlike creatures who reaked of garlic and refused to die....but of course Tiq' e Tacwas not stupid and discarded them as excuses for battles gone wrong.. which was oke, you could not hope to win every battle, especialy not here...in this mad place.. He had already discovered forests, plains and mountains, and was all very nice but he would stay here, the swamps were good... and the insects here tasted so much better than those in the forests...yuck.... ;)

"Something bad has happened however... and then I do not mean the weird goblin tribe that suddenly appeared out of nothing in wooden carts and riding nasty wolves...and also not the greedy humans who wanted to look like pigeons with feathers stuck to their metal heads...not even the smelly deamons and the beastmen... (by the Old ones....those were scary....brrr...I realy hope that they did not have any diseases on them! ) ...* Tiq' e Tacquickly searches his scaly skin for any spots or rashes and then continues to observe the work taking place*....

Oh yeah...the bad thing.... we found some old ruins...and of course if there is all shiny stuff and gold in there it is fine..but we found something else...an old Spawing Pool!! Ancient design.... very bad indeed because my presence started something...and then THEY came out.... Saurus warriors....of all the things I did not want to encounter.... sighh.... so what to do now? I cannot kill them, at least not in plain sight?! ...hmmm... ahhh!!! Praise to the old ones for their insight!! "

*All across the swamp the newly spawned Saurus were being forced into labour...digging deep holes that would have to become mines.. They were of course "Observed and motivated" by keen eyed skinks with spears ,who made sure they kept their distance... I mean...Skinks are not made to build and create, this is their finest hours...they fight battles and bring glory to the Temple City....and also looooootsss of gold ;)*

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