vrijdag 23 mei 2014


....Azrotha stood on top of a rising, her sturdy dark wooden frame a stark contrast of the cold grey stone on which she stood...she overlooked the ongoing battle, the humans with feathers and bright colours like birds were fleeing. The last of their knights was only visible still by the dust trail that he left behind while he rode away from the field of battle...

...it was a good day for the glade...more blood spilt to feed the earth and few fellow spirits lost....

Azrotha felt more awake now, it had been only a few weeks since she had awoken from her long slumber. But already she felt he skin harden and her bond with the forest strenghten, she could feel it in her younger sisters as well. She was satisfying the need for revenge that she felt...the thirst that the forest felt...and it was starting to lessen... for now...

...her mind switched back to the task at hand, she looked if she could see Branzeah coming back. But she could not pick out her handmaiden among the trees in the distant, she should have returned by now... she had trust in her sister... she would return, of that she was sure...and Branzeah would provide her with the answer that would please her... of that she was sure too...

...would the other races engage into negotiation with her too? Perhaps they would...perhaps not...it did matter... if it was the will of the glade they would find the way to her....or they would die....and in this way they would find the way to the forest as well...and serve its needs just as good....

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