vrijdag 23 mei 2014


....Azrotha stood on top of a rising, her sturdy dark wooden frame a stark contrast of the cold grey stone on which she stood...she overlooked the ongoing battle, the humans with feathers and bright colours like birds were fleeing. The last of their knights was only visible still by the dust trail that he left behind while he rode away from the field of battle...

...it was a good day for the glade...more blood spilt to feed the earth and few fellow spirits lost....

Azrotha felt more awake now, it had been only a few weeks since she had awoken from her long slumber. But already she felt he skin harden and her bond with the forest strenghten, she could feel it in her younger sisters as well. She was satisfying the need for revenge that she felt...the thirst that the forest felt...and it was starting to lessen... for now...

...her mind switched back to the task at hand, she looked if she could see Branzeah coming back. But she could not pick out her handmaiden among the trees in the distant, she should have returned by now... she had trust in her sister... she would return, of that she was sure...and Branzeah would provide her with the answer that would please her... of that she was sure too...

...would the other races engage into negotiation with her too? Perhaps they would...perhaps not...it did matter... if it was the will of the glade they would find the way to her....or they would die....and in this way they would find the way to the forest as well...and serve its needs just as good....

donderdag 8 mei 2014

The glade awakens...skinks die...

.....she slowly stretched her arms.... the long wood limbs cracked with loud sounds that echoed through the forest...Azrotha look down at her "hands", which were basicly wooden claws with dagger sized fingers... daggers that were still dripping with reptilian blood...

...weak...nervous....full of fear..... the feelings that she had when she ripped those little lizards appart limb from limb... why was I awokened ? ....she could not believe that those little, pesky creatures were even remotely important enough that the wood had woken her....

....what were those creatures doing in her glade?... and what were they doing in the nearby swamps.... where had all the forest gone?... She was confused, and she did not like that feeling....her eyes started to glow even more fiercely, cascading the trees around her with that same blue pale light that radiated from her... confused..... That made her angry....

...what to do next?.... her younger sisters had already awoken and more were slumbering, for now.... She would awake them all, and march out...she would make them pay...their blood would nourish the ground and feed the trees...yes, that would be the right thing to do..... the wood demands vengeance..

....slowly but fluently the wood spirits of the glade moved out..darting among the trees and bushes.....into the marches....where the killing would continue....

Run....Run faster!!!!

Tiq' e Tac decided to run a little faster... in fact, now that he realy thought about it; the tumber of times that he had run were not many...

Dodging another tree and jumping over a large puddle of swampy water he risked a glance to his sides... there were not many left... damn this island... I should have never agreed to come here... sighhh.... my brother always gets the GOOD deals....

Not before long Tiq' e Tac reached the shore lines and the little boats waiting there at the beach, the pearl white sand a stark contrast to the dark and misty swamplands he had just run out off...minutes later he sat in one of the small but swift little boats, looking out over the island they were leaving behind now...

...I told them....do NOT enter the Forest....nothing there....and the insects are not as good as in the swamp...but did they listen? Noooooo.... of course not ... that is far too difficult for them... ;) ..

...sighhh... it is not easy being as great a leader as I am....

Tiq' e Tac leaned back just a little to avoid another arrow that swooped past...

.....by the old ones!! How far do those monsters shoot with those things??!!!.... ahh...luckily that is no longer my problem, we were never here...hehehehehe... let those Ugly beastmen deals with those tree monsters and wood spooks... hehehehe yeah that would be fun...

And so the Skink expedition left the Island....for now....

vrijdag 2 mei 2014

So far...in the Swamps....

Tiq' e Tac was sitting on a piece of driftwood that was slowly sinking away into the swamp... what he saw before him really made him feel like home. Already insects and small lizards were descending upon the corpses of the men he and his Brave Skink warriors had slain, creating big black swarms of buzzingness that was sure to be heard for across the whole swamp...

The expedition so far was going better then he had expected...true enough he had send out some scout groups who had not returned yet...and some had somehow managed to get everyone else lost! He did hear some great stories though...about heroic skinks who had battled dragons and giants and even godlike creatures who reaked of garlic and refused to die....but of course Tiq' e Tacwas not stupid and discarded them as excuses for battles gone wrong.. which was oke, you could not hope to win every battle, especialy not here...in this mad place.. He had already discovered forests, plains and mountains, and was all very nice but he would stay here, the swamps were good... and the insects here tasted so much better than those in the forests...yuck.... ;)

"Something bad has happened however... and then I do not mean the weird goblin tribe that suddenly appeared out of nothing in wooden carts and riding nasty wolves...and also not the greedy humans who wanted to look like pigeons with feathers stuck to their metal heads...not even the smelly deamons and the beastmen... (by the Old ones....those were scary....brrr...I realy hope that they did not have any diseases on them! ) ...* Tiq' e Tacquickly searches his scaly skin for any spots or rashes and then continues to observe the work taking place*....

Oh yeah...the bad thing.... we found some old ruins...and of course if there is all shiny stuff and gold in there it is fine..but we found something else...an old Spawing Pool!! Ancient design.... very bad indeed because my presence started something...and then THEY came out.... Saurus warriors....of all the things I did not want to encounter.... sighh.... so what to do now? I cannot kill them, at least not in plain sight?! ...hmmm... ahhh!!! Praise to the old ones for their insight!! "

*All across the swamp the newly spawned Saurus were being forced into labour...digging deep holes that would have to become mines.. They were of course "Observed and motivated" by keen eyed skinks with spears ,who made sure they kept their distance... I mean...Skinks are not made to build and create, this is their finest hours...they fight battles and bring glory to the Temple City....and also looooootsss of gold ;)*

donderdag 1 mei 2014

The Scout force of the great and glorious Temple City: T’in’q A’qen.

The Scout force of the great and glorious Temple City: T’in’q A’qen.

In the Northern parts of the Lustrian Jungles lies the forgotten temple city of T’in’q A’qen, at first sight this might look like a ruined and desolate place… this is only partly so ;)

A long time ago the temple city was glorious and mighty indeed, it was however destroyed by dark and evil schemes of the Dark Elves and the evil chaos creatures that they unleashed with chaotic and twisted magic… the city was razed to the ground, its denizens slain and the surviving Slann butchered in their Star Chambers… nothing but silence and ruins remained…

This all changed less then 50 years ago, in one of the spawning pools deep beneath the ruins of the Temple something stirred.. and so the mysterious and ancient waters gave life to two creatures… dark skinned Skinks, with scales as bright as orange fire crystals, their eyes already twinkling with intelligence and observing their surroundings. These two Skinks were named Tiq’e Taq and Tiq’e Toc , and they would quickly grow to become capable and smart Priests.

Soon after the twins adjusted and made their home in the ruins they learned their true calling, and the path that was layed out for them. Of course this was not the restoration of the Saurus spawning pools, neither was it getting another Slann to the chamber of Stars… It was a sign from the old ones! Everyone could have told you that the time of the Slann and Saurus was over... the glory of the Temple would be restored, but this time it was to be with Skink intelligence…and some Croxigors muscle of course ;)

So it came to pass that the skink population of T’in’q A’qen flourished and boomed, it was not long before many tasks normally done by Saurus were done by Skinks. They even formed cold-one cavalry and something resembling a temple guard. The two Skinks Priest twins also made inquiry’s to other temple cities…and that is where the trouble started…

Without at least one Slann the other Temples refused to even acknowledge them as a Temple, how rude! The twins, furious at this insult, turned to drastic measures… If a Slann was needed to gain a foothold and the much needed trade and aid from the other temples, then a Slann was what they would get!

Down long abandoned and neglected tunnels they went, to the place where the massacre of the Slann had taken place…and it was here where they called upon ancient, forbidden and mighty magics that had been locked away for centuries…for a good reason… And so they brought back one of the Slann, or at least they tried ;) … what they had done however was something akin to creating an undead… the brought back the angry vengeful spirit of one of the slain Slann and tied him to a shriveled husk… it was good enough for the twins..

They mummified the corpse slann and put him on a palanquin, their Slann was ready. Nobody knows for sure if the “Slann” is really what the twin Priests claim he is but relic Slann were known to exist, so their claim was finally granted! They were an official Temple city now, and the “Slann” was paraded up and down the complex of the Temple… much to the rejoice of the Thousands of Skinks who cheered and did…well Skink-happy-things.. 

Not is all happy and joy however and gold and prestige is needed to gain influence and make new statues and shiny things for the chambers of the Twins…uchhhem…we mean the Great and Glorious chamber of Stars of the Slann of course ;) So the twins drew straws and let fate decide who would lead a Scout (read: plunder) force to unknown shores and relieve lesser creatures of things they would not need J  Tiq’e Tac lost and so he left, a growing entourage of skinks and reptilian creatures in his wake. Of course his twin (who was all too happy that he did not have to go) organized a parade in his name and even the Slann was all dressed up pretty and “gave his blessings”…

Tiq’e Tac is now on his way to seek out glory (and lots of gold) to bring back to the Temple City of  T’in’q A’qen. …owww…..and to please the Slann of course…of course... ;)